Tweed NSW Newborn Photography | Tips for a successful home birth

Tweed NSW Newborn Photography | Tips for a successful home birth

Tweed NSW Newborn Photography | Tips for a successful home birth

We love everything about birth, babies and beyond! But homebirth has a special place in our heart and we want to share all the tips for a successful homebirth. 

First a little back story, in February we gave birth to our healthy baby girl in the presence of our doula safely at home. It was such an amazing, empowering and peaceful birth! There was nothing more empowering and magical than birthing on our own terms.

But back to what this blog is all about and that is all the helpful tips you need! 

Okay it’s all about preparation and I’m talking about mental preparation. It is so important to go within and address any fears or concerns prior to going into labour. By releasing any blockages you’re truely surrendering to the experience. 

Having great support is key!

A doula is an amazing emotional rock to have throughout your pregnancy, birth and postpartum. I honestly couldn’t of done it without both our doulas. They will hold your hand when your birth partner needs a breather. They will nurture and carry both the parents through this life changing transition. 

Have tools on hand that will get you through the hard parts. 

  • Affirmation cards
  • Combs or banksia sea pods for pain relief (acupressure)
  • Water for pain relief (shower or birth pool) 
  • Nourishing food for early labour (to fuel you)
  • Birth ball
  • Essential oils 
  • Practice deep breathing (for relaxation)
  • Hypno birthing audios 
  • Scarf jiggling  (robozo)  for pain relief

Really work out what you will need during this time!  

Have a birth plan and go with the flow. It’s great to have a guide but be open to whatever unfolds. 

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Gold Coast QLD Newborn Photography | Why Homebirth

Gold Coast QLD Newborn Photography | Why Homebirth

Gold Coast QLD Newborn Photography | Why Homebirth


An amazing, beautiful and empowering experience… Something that I wish all expecting mamas would consider. Of course know that wherever you birth does not matter if you feel safe to birth there.  

Home birth is an incredible option to bring your baby into earth side. They will be birthed into the comfort of their own home, surrounded by their loved ones. 

But let’s talk about the real nitty gritty benefits of home birthing. 

Your home is full of yours and your baby’s microbiome. This means that you basically have an ecosystem of bacteria, fungal, viruses and germs that you, your family and baby are exposed to. Birthing your baby at home minimises the exposure to foreign germs. 

When you choose to homebirth you are also minimising your risk to unnecessary intervention. Women who homebirth have a lower rate of 3rd and 4th degree tears. Have higher success rates for VBAC and more personalised care. 

So why do women choose to home


  • You have the ability to choose whatever positions you want to birth in. 
  • Familiar surroundings 
  • Previous hospital birth trauma
  • Desire for a natural birth 
  • Choice with who is involved in your birth. 
  • Minimising intervention

If home birth is something that speaks to you, there are plenty more resources to look into and find out more information such as HomeBirthAustralia.Org

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Tweed NSW Newborn Photography | Why it’s important to educate yourself on birth

Tweed NSW Newborn Photography | Why it’s important to educate yourself on birth

Tweed NSW Newborn Photography | Why it's important to educate yourself on birth

I want to start this blog off with a little disclaimer: 

It is so important to birth where you feel safe mama, whether that’s at home, the hospital or amongst your favourite people. 

Okay let’s jump right in because this is something I am super passionate about and want all mamas to have the birth of their dreams. 

Firstly it is so important to educate your self around birth, birth anatomy, home birth, hospital birth, inductions, c sections, naturally birth etc. The best way to do this is through a hypno birthing course. Such as calm birth. A doula is another amazing option that will work along side, to help inform you, with your options. Of course if you’re anything like me you’ll spend every night researching, reading, listening to podcasts such as the midwitch or birth realm. 

Secondly I think it’s really important to get clear on what your goals are. If you can go into birth informed but opened minded, you will truely get the best outcome. 

Know your rights and have a strong team that can advocate for you in your most vulnerable state. This is why I love a good birth plan because it allows everyone to get on your page and know what outcome your striving for.  Having an involved birthing partner is crucial to your birth. It’s so important to feel safe and this special person will help anchor you. 

You have a choice to birth wherever you want… 


Public hospital 

Private hospital 

Even in nature (if that’s your thing!) 

If you take the time to educate yourself, you will be able to birth with ease and trust. Knowing that whatever happens, the outcome will be okay. 

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South Gold Coast Newborn Photographer | Infertility

South Gold Coast Newborn Photographer | Infertility

South Gold Coast Newborn Photographer | Infertility

Let’s talk infertility and then let’s talk about secondary infertility. Because I didn’t even realise that was a thing until I went through two years experiencing secondary infertility. 

Firstly, I feel you! It is so hard… Watching everyone around you having healthy babies or being questioned when you will have a baby. It can be so lonely, heartbreaking. Test your strength, resilience and relationship. You’re really forced to know your priorities. I wish infertility didn’t exist. But it does! Infertility is an increasing issue amongst adults who are wanting to start or extend their family. With all the environmental toxins and other leading causes of infertility such as PCOS, hormonal issues, endometriosis or poor quality sperm. It’s not a surprise that more and more people are finding it difficult to have a baby.  

So let’s talk about some of the proactive steps you can take to increase your chances of having a baby. 

Let’s start with lifestyle. 

Exercise, diet, mental state and low tox living is crucial to making sure your body is in the best state to hold and grow a baby. Working along side your practitioner, whether that be a naturopath, gp, gynaecologist, acupuncturist or kinesiologist etc. Whatever modality you choose to go down. Really utilise your resources before opting into IVF treatments. Sometimes it’s the minor adjustments that make the biggest differences. 

Rule out everything:


Blood work


Sperm tests 

Family history 

But also don’t be afraid to get second and third opinions. You know your body best! 

So let’s talk about secondary Infertility…

This is the inability to fall or maintain a pregnancy after having a full term baby. Secondary infertility affects 12% of couples, which is 1 in 8. 

We spent two years trying to figure out the reason to our secondary infertility. After multiple chemical miscarried and a 9 week miscarriage. It came down to a hormonal imbalance. By increasing my progesterone levels I was able to hold onto my pregnancy. We ended up giving birth at 41 + 1 weeks to a healthy baby girl.

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Burleigh Heads QLD Newborn Photography | What photography means to me

Burleigh Heads QLD Newborn Photography | What photography means to me

Burleigh Heads QLD Newborn Photography | What photography means to me

I grew up in a household that did not priorities memories…

Growing up in a disadvantaged household with 8 children, you get lost in the crowd. As a family of 10 we only have one image of all of us together. After having my first baby, who is now five years old. There was a part of me that felt empty. Whilst I was pregnant and becoming excited to bring my first born baby into the world. So than, I searched for images of myself and my family. To see the resemblance of what my new baby would look like in comparison to my own baby photos, meant so much to me. It was than and there that I realised I have near to no images of myself as a baby. It still stings knowing that I will never know what baby Tiana looked like. I will never be able to do side by side comparisons of mum, dad and baby.

Newborn Photography Gold Coast QLD Shine Photo Award

I had subconsciously made and oath to myself

To document, capture and freeze moments in time of my family and children. I had actually started a YouTube channel as well as learning the basics of photography to support this dream. Now if you know me personally, you know that I am a dreamer. I love that even when you put your mind to something you can achieve it. That was the catalyst to how Dreamy Moon Photography began. Firstly I became obsessed with learning the ins and outs of becoming a photography. It ignited something within me, something that felt so empty before. When you grow up with childhood trauma the biggest thing you do for yourself is to nurture your inner child. That is what photography does for me…

Fast forward five years and photography still means the world to me. I feel so honoured and fulfilled being apart of families earliest moments. Meeting new people and creating connections are just the tip of the iceberg to why this job is so fulfilling and meaningful. The best part about photography is creating tangible heirloom art for families to cherish and pass down for years to come.

Baby milestone photographer Brisbane QLD

Interested in booking a session with Dreamy Moon Photography? 

Inquiries and bookings: 

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Tweed NSW Newborn Photography | Everly’s Cake Smash

Tweed NSW Newborn Photography | Everly's Cake Smash

Tweed NSW Newborn Photography | Everly’s Cake Smash

The Planning…

When Everly’s mama got into contact with me and discussed that she wanted to do a shoot for Everly’s first birthday, I thought boho vintage vibes immediately. Little gingham outfits, bonnets and dried flowers. Of course in a neutral colour pallet. Think peaches and creams… We got to planning straight away. I sent Through Renee (Everly’s mama) a collage of the inspiration that I pulled together. I love doing this for clients. As it can give a visual representation of the creative flows for the session.

The session

Everly did amazing during her cake smash session. She was so happy and bubbly. Lots of laughter echoed throughout the photography studio. She had the biggest blue eyes and most gorgeous little smile. Firstly we started with milestone portraits. She was dancing, posing and clapping her little hands. Everly was so interactive and confident in front of the camera. She is a real natural. Followed by the cake smash Itself. The cake was a white naked cake, dairy free as Everly has a dairy intolerance.  We love being an all inclusive studio at Dreamy Moon Photography. We want to ensure every baby has an opportunity to celebrate with a cake smash! After the cake smash itself, Everly wrapped up her session with a splash bath.

Stress free for the parents!

Parents always tell me how much they love coming to Dreamy Moon Photography as it is truely a stress free experience. We provide the planning, decor, outfits, backdrops and splash bath. We also clean up all the mess so you can avoid any stress and enjoy the rest of your day after the session.

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Newborn Photography Gold Coast QLD | Valentina Rose’s Newborn Session

Tweed NSW Newborn Shoot baby breathing tubes

Newborn Photography Gold Coast QLD | Valentina Rose’s Newborn Session

Tahlia had reached out to me in regards to her premature daughters newborn session. Valentina Rose was born early and needed assistance in the NICU for the first weeks of her life. She did amazing and was reaching all her milestone. However still needed breathing assistance once she was able to come home to her family. Tahlia was worried that they missed the window opportunity to capture newborn images. As Valentina Rose was three months old, once everything settled for their family. I assured her that we would be able to capture Valentina Rose, no matter what age she is.

Gold Coast QLD Newborn Photography  baby in blue with dried flower crown

The Session

Tahlia arrived at the studio with her partner HJ and Tiny Valentina Rose. Valentina Rose at three months was still so little, roughly around 7.5 pounds. She loved being swaddled and slept most of the newborn session, with a few awake images at the end! We chose to incorporate some dried flower crowns from Created by Carli into Valentina Rose’s Session. She looked like a little princess. Tahlia wanted very girly photos, so we used lots of pink tones and a few blue tones from our fine art backdrop.

boho style newborn photoshoot south gold coast

We had to be intentional with how Valentina Rose’s session went as she was still on oxygen therapy to help her breathe. We selected poses that would be most natural and comfortable for her. Valentina Rose was able to have a few images taken without the oxygen therapy. According to her care providers advice she could go a few minutes a day without her breathing tank. Digital composites were a great way to expand Valentina Rose’s gallery whilst capturing her session. Family images were very important to Tahlia and HJ. We wrapped up the session by capturing the three of them against our cream backdrop.

Burleigh heads qld family photoshoot

Newborn Photography Gold Coast QLD | Valentina Rose’s Newborn Session

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