South Gold Coast Newborn Photographer | Infertility

South Gold Coast Newborn Photographer | Infertility

Let’s talk infertility and then let’s talk about secondary infertility. Because I didn’t even realise that was a thing until I went through two years experiencing secondary infertility. 

Firstly, I feel you! It is so hard… Watching everyone around you having healthy babies or being questioned when you will have a baby. It can be so lonely, heartbreaking. Test your strength, resilience and relationship. You’re really forced to know your priorities. I wish infertility didn’t exist. But it does! Infertility is an increasing issue amongst adults who are wanting to start or extend their family. With all the environmental toxins and other leading causes of infertility such as PCOS, hormonal issues, endometriosis or poor quality sperm. It’s not a surprise that more and more people are finding it difficult to have a baby.  

So let’s talk about some of the proactive steps you can take to increase your chances of having a baby. 

Let’s start with lifestyle. 

Exercise, diet, mental state and low tox living is crucial to making sure your body is in the best state to hold and grow a baby. Working along side your practitioner, whether that be a naturopath, gp, gynaecologist, acupuncturist or kinesiologist etc. Whatever modality you choose to go down. Really utilise your resources before opting into IVF treatments. Sometimes it’s the minor adjustments that make the biggest differences. 

Rule out everything:


Blood work


Sperm tests 

Family history 

But also don’t be afraid to get second and third opinions. You know your body best! 

So let’s talk about secondary Infertility…

This is the inability to fall or maintain a pregnancy after having a full term baby. Secondary infertility affects 12% of couples, which is 1 in 8. 

We spent two years trying to figure out the reason to our secondary infertility. After multiple chemical miscarried and a 9 week miscarriage. It came down to a hormonal imbalance. By increasing my progesterone levels I was able to hold onto my pregnancy. We ended up giving birth at 41 + 1 weeks to a healthy baby girl.

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