rustic baby photography Brisbane QLD

Gold Coast QLD Newborn Photography | Leonardo’s Newborn Session

Josiane contacted Dreamy Moon Photography in regards to booking a newborn session for her fresh little baby Leonardo. I was so thrilled to here about their new arrival. There is nothing more special than welcoming a newborn baby into your life. Josiane and her husband were originally from Brazil and moved to the Gold Coast a few years ago to establish a life here in Australia and start a family. Newborn Images were a non negotiable for Josiane, we discussed all the things they wanted to incorporate into their session and of course all about how mama, dad and Leonardo were doing.

Newborn and Family Photos studio photography Gold Coast QLD

The Session

Family Photos were super important for mama and dad. Leonardo was so content being wrapped up like a little bean! We used the fine art backdrop which matched perfectly with Josiane skirt. It’s so lovely to throw in the occasional pop of colour. I absolutely love it when clients bring their own personal flair to the table.

Leonardo was a super content baby and was happy to be wrapped up, he favoured the waffle wrap from Princess and the Pea Prop Shop. Leonardo’s session was very quick and under 2.5 hours. He was so cuddly and slept the entire time. With a stop for a milk break in between. Our sessions are always based around our littlest clients needs. Which means if we need to stop for a cuddle or a milk break than we do. It’s always the best when we can sneak in extra cuddles anyway!

After the session was finished and all edited Leonardo’s parents were surprised with their baby boys photo gallery. They were completely smitten!

Gold Coast QLD Newborn Photography | Leonardo’s Newborn Session

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